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(630) 420-1212

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555 N. Washington Street

Naperville, IL 60563

Membership and Promotion

We are pleased to introduce our new IN-OFFICE YEARLY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM to our established and new patients who are NOT currently participating in a dental insurance plan.

About this Special Offer

This renewable, yearly membership plan offers generous savings for a wide variety of dental services.

Available for ADULTS and CHILDREN.

You can now address your dental health needs at considerable fee reductions.

Basic Membership

Adult: $269 each, includes 2 EXAMS, 2 REGULAR CLEANINGS, one set of BITEWING X-RAYS and 1 FLOURIDE TREATMENT ( a total $611 value for new patient and a total $478 value for existing patient.)

Child: $219 each, includes 2 EXAMS, 2 REGULAR CLEANINGS, and one set of cavity finding BITEWING X-RAYS and 2 FLOURIDE TREATMENTS ( a total $460 value.)

Membership also includes DISCOUNTS on the following dental services:

20% discount on BASIC services (to include additional x-ray & exams, tooth whitening, fillings and extractions)
25% discount on MAJOR services (to include root canal treatments, core build ups, crowns, bridges, partials, dentures, periodontal deep cleanings and maintenance procedures)

Membership Plus

ADULT: $469 each
CHILD: $419 each

Add additional $200 to your basic membership, you will save more!
Membership Plus includes ALL benefits of BASIC MEMBERSHIP
PLUS 30% DISCOUNT on both BASIC and MAJOR services!
PLUS $500 OFF full orthodontic treatment ( Including Invisalign and White porcelain braces) , $200 OFF limited orthodontic treatment
PLUS $800 OFF dental implant treatment.